About Us



The Military Rifle Clubs Association (M.R.C.A.) is a group of three Rifle Clubs affiliated with the New South Wales Rifle Association that have been shooting Service Discipline since 1923. Our Member Clubs conduct Service Style Competitions every Saturday at the Anzac Rifle Range, Malabar, commencing at 12 noon on "H" and "J" Blocks.

Membership of the Association is subject to approval from the New South Wales Police Firearms Registry as a Temporary Member, and final acceptance as an Active Member is subject to acceptance by the Club concerned and the issue of the appropriate New South Wales Firearms Licence.

New members are initially graded by their respective Club Captains and subsequently move through the grades based on their performance at various distances.   Grading is “Master”, “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”.

Our competitions are shot at 100, 200 and 300 metres in the standing, sitting, kneeling and prone positions.    Some of our practices involve “Fire and Movement” where the shooter moves down-range firing at various ranges at different sized targets and by adopting different shooting positions.

The firearms used in our practices are predominantly bolt-action military rifles such as the S.M.L.E. No.1 and No. 5, The Rifle No. 4, various Mauser rifles and Springfields etc.   We also have Non-Service, Telescopic and Rim-fire Categories that accommodate commercial bolt-action iron and optical sighted rifles. (Pump action rifles can be used in rimfire events)   Competition medals are awarded weekly.

All competitions are shot under the control of Accredited Range and Butts Officers with Safety Officers exercising safety control over all shooting details.

The member clubs of the M.R.C.A. are the:  

  • Aviation Industry Rifle Club Inc.,
  • Royal Australian Engineers (C.M.F.) Rifle Club Inc.,
  • United Services Institute Rifle Club Inc.
These clubs welcome prospective members and would look forward to seeing you at the Range on any Saturday when what we do can be explained in more detail.  Contact Us
If you have any questions about our
Association then please phone
the New South Wales Rifle Association, Malabar Office, on (02) 9661 4532.

Malabar Historic Training Rifle Group
The MHRTG is a loose federation of full bore service shooters who wish to shoot Enfield, Martini or other military .22 rim fire training rifles under the auspices of Military Rifle Clubs Association (MRCA) to fulfil the aim of actively preserving the history by shooting events that approximate those traditionally used in miniature rifle clubs and Defence Force branches of British Commonwealth countries until recent times.
Click here for a copy of the rules

Arthur Johnston,
Military Rifle Clubs Association Inc.